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Some of our benefits...

25 vacation days + 23 working hours reduction days (ADV)

And do you think almost 10 weeks is too much? Then you can sell 10 days (based on a 40-hour work week) for 4% extra salary for example.

13th month of salary!

Nice after the expensive holidays

Holiday pay of 8%

A budget of €450 once every 5 years for:

courses/training that align with personal interests, expanding the bicycle plan, and home sustainability efforts, etc.

Informal work atmosphere with nice collegues

We embrace diversity and everyone matters, because different points of view, backgrounds, preferences and styles make us unbelievably rich.


An employee can take a sabbatical once every 3 years for a period of up to 3 months.

Excellent pension scheme with very low employee contribution

(resulting in an attractive gross-net ratio).

You're working for a sustainable organisation

Kilometer allowance

For commuting: €0.22 per kilometer For business travel: €0.35 per kilometer

Full reimbursement for public transportation based on 2nd class tickets.


A yearly budget of €450,- euro, bicycle plan, fitness scheme.


Irregularity surcharge of 5%

If applicable

Active employee association