Who we are
Duynie has been focusing on one goal for over 50 years: creating new value from co-products from the food, beverage and bio-fuel sectors.
We are the European market leader in the valorisation of co-products released in these industries. We do this with ±500 enthusiastic colleagues. Our head office is located in Alphen aan den Rijn (The Netherlands) and we are located in 20 European countries. Our international focus means limitless opportunities for you as an employee of Duynie.
We want to be a great place to work. Together we are Duynie.
Passionate : Energy, fun and courage.
Enterprising: Market insight, Time to Market, Result Driven.
Innovative: Creative, Out of the box, Always ahead.
Reliable: Trust - We are open, honest and transparent. Lead by example.

Do you have questions?

Berend Benraad
HR Specialist Recruitment Duynie (Ingredients Division, Feed Division, AgriBioSource)